3:00 - 4:15 Working Sessions
Session A: Investigating Student Motivation Engagement and Achievement using Secondary Data Sets
Location: Alvarado A
Session Topic: Reading Engagement and Motivation as Predictors of Reading Achievement: Patterns for Ethnic Groups and SES
- Content Experts: Stephen Whitney & David Bergin
Session Topic: Differential Relationships between Mathematics Achievement, Parental Involvement and Student Noncognitive Factors: Findings from 4th Graders in the United States and in Taiwan
- Content Experts: Jingfei Liu & Ze Wang
Session Facilitator: Jonathan Hilpert
Session B: Peer Interaction and Collaboration
Location: Alvarado B
Session Topic: A Sociocultural Perspective on Identity: Marginal Identity Trajectories in Collaborative Learning
- Content Expert: Karlyn Adams-Wiggins
Session Topic: Did I hear what you Said or what I Thought?
- Content Expert: Angela O’Donnell
Session Facilitator: Jessica Summers
Faircloth (2012) ‘‘Wearing a mask’’ vs. connecting identity with learning
Eccles & Roeser (2011) Schools as Developmental Contexts During Adolescence
O'donnell (2004) Shared and unshared knowledge resources
O'donnell & OKelly (1994) Learning from Peers: Beyond the Rhetoric of Positive Results