The Role of Rewards in Motivation and Learning: Multiple Perspectives
Dr. Suzanne Hidi
Introduced by Dr. Terri Flowerday
Location: Alvarado FGH
Dr. Hidi obtained her PhD in Educational Psychology in 1976 (University of Toronto). She was an Associate Professor and a member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Toronto. Currently, she is a founding member of the Senior College of the University of Toronto. Her early research and publications focussed on reasoning and academic writing, followed by investigations of students’ motivation in general and interest in specific.
More recently, she has been interested in linking research of educational/social psychologists with those of neuroscientists in the area of motivation and rewards. Dr. Hidi is one of the three Editors of Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning (2015) sponsored by the American Educational Research Association. Her paper, co-authored by Ann Renninger, The Four-Phase Model of Interest Development (2006), is being widely used as a conceptual framework for on-going research in interest development and motivation in both school and out of school settings. Their book “Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement” is in press (Routledge).